away for a few day
keje kawen..
then g setapak
keje kawen..
n then zoo negara..
outing with hayqal n ayesh yeaaaaa...
my 500d already ready for this..
n then tuesday n wednesday..go to bp
meet the sedebals...
then thursday..spore with kirento marcell<<
if not..thursday still spore day but without kiren marcell..
n then jumaat..sleep till death
sabtuday n ahaday...???
:::keharokkan apekah yang terjadi:::
it hurts when u ask me to shut mu fucking blog..u fucking old man miahahaha
omg.zoo dekat umah aku.sebelah je sopi.tmn melwati.hehehehehe.
klu dah sleep to death, ari berikutnyer oliday di alam barzakh le..huhuhu..
hepi oliday,k.